The Benefits and Features of Tanner Tools V141 64bit 26 for Analog and Mixed-Signal ICs
in analog design, a circuit is captured using the analog capture tools from the digital domain and the captured signal is processed through the analog simulation tools. if the results are not satisfactory, the designer may try to improve the simulation model. at this point the designer may simulate the circuit again, and repeat the process until the desired results are achieved. this process is known as analog simulation. analog simulation is often slow, and can be a significant time consuming step. the results of the simulation are not directly readable by the designer. to the end-user, the only difference between the analog simulation result and the physical simulation result is that the analog simulation result has more noise and has a different timing. another difference is that the analog simulation is not interactive and not real-time. the end-user will not be able to observe any changes in the analog simulation result and needs to press the "run" button again to repeat the process. the designer cannot simulate multiple simulations simultaneously.
Tanner Tools V141 64bit 26
tanner tools are an industry-leading suite of mixed-language verification and simulation tools. the te edition includes riviera-pro, a powerful mixed-language simulator, and hiper simulation a/ms, a high-performance co-simulation platform. hiper simulation a/ms is a rigorous verification tool and a powerful mixed-language simulator.
tanner tools edition notes table of contents tanner tools version 16.00.. 2 what's new in s-edit v16.00. 2 what's new in t-spice v16. 3 what's new in w-edit v16. 4 what's new in l-edit pro v16. 6 what's new in hiper verify v16.11 additional information.13 supported system requirements.13 recommended system requirements.13 installation.13 licensing.13 technical support.14 1